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Spirits and Spooks:
A Rhyme for Halloween

By Alan Harris
Today is the ghost of the future's past--
your now is a ghost,
my now is a ghost,
for whatever we do will last.

There's hope for tomorrow's yesterday--
you are a hope,
I am a hope
if we nourish each other today.

Regrets are old spooks that may rattle their chains--
fear is a spook,
hate is a spook,
and so are diseases and pains.

So a spirit sits down in your rocking chair--
What can it do?
Can it say boo?
Just smile so it knows that you care.

Halloween raises our old spooks and bummers--
feelings that dump,
nights that go bump,
and dumbs that evolve into dumbers.

But the morning will bring in the Day of All Saints,
who were able to clear
their existence of fear
and their motives of self-serving taints.

What saints may have done, surely any can do
if we make a start
and open our heart
so that giving and love may flow through.

Today is the ghost of the future's past--
your now is a ghost,
my now is a ghost,
for whatever we do will last.

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Copyright © 1998 by Alan Harris. All rights reserved.